Lusca bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kekurangan dalam Squid-2. Ini juga mendukung berbagai protokol clustering. Menggunakan lusca, sobat bisa menyimpan beberapa isi yang dinamis yang sebelumnya tidak dapat lakukan dengan squid, seperti :
- Video Cachingi.e Youtube / tube etc . . .
- Windows Update / Linux Updates / Anti-virus , Anti-Malware i.e. Avira/ Avast / MBAM etc . . .
- Download caching mp3’s/mpeg/avi etc . .
Di sebagian dunia, bandwidth sangat mahal, oleh karena itu (dalam beberapa skenario) sangat berguna untuk Cache video Youtube atau flash video lainnya, sehingga jika salah satu dari pengguna download video / file flash, mengapa lagi pengguna yang sama atau lainnya dapat men-download file yang sama dari CACHE.
Cara Konfigurasi Squid Lusca on Ubuntu
Untuk keperluan ini yang perlu disiapkan sebagai berikut :
- 1 PC terinstall Ubuntu 14.04 LTS dan sudah dilakukan upgrade paket.
Langkah-Langkah sebagai berikut :
#mkdir /temp #cd /temp #touch #chmod +x #nano [wpspoiler name="copas code ini ke dalam file" ] #!/bin/bash # Version 1.0 / 2nd July, 2014 # LUSCA r14942 Automated Installation Script for Ubuntu flavor / jz # Syed Jahanzaib / aacable @ / # Setting Variables . . . [JZ] # You can change the URL if default url is not accessible in some cases. #URL= URL= SQUID_DIR="/etc/squid" CACHE_DIR="/cache-1" pid=`pidof squid` osver=`cat /etc/issue |awk '{print $1}'` squidlabel="LUSCA_HEAD-r14942" # Colors Config . . . [[ JZ . . . ]] ESC_SEQ="x1b[" COL_RESET=$ESC_SEQ"39;49;00m" COL_RED=$ESC_SEQ"31;01m" COL_GREEN=$ESC_SEQ"32;01m" # OS checkup for UBUNTU echo -e "$COL_GREEN Lusca r14942 Automated Installation Script ver 1.0 for Ubuntu . . .$COL_RESET" echo -e "$COL_GREEN Checking OS version, as it must be Ubuntu in order to Continue . . .$COL_RESET" if [[ $osver == Ubuntu ]]; then echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Ubuntu is installed with following information fetched. $COL_RESET" lsb_release -a sleep 3 else echo -e "$COL_RED Sorry, it seems your Linux Distribution is not UBUNTU . Exiting ...$COL_RESET" exit 1 fi # Make sure only root can run our script / Checking if user is root, otherwise exit with error [[Jz]] echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Verifying if you are logged in with root privileges . . .$COL_RESET" 1>&2 FILE="/tmp/out.$$" GREP="/bin/grep" if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo echo -e "$COL_RED This script must be run as root, switch to root now . . .$COL_RESET" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Clearing previous download if any in /tmp folder echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Clearing previous downloads if any in /tmp folder to avoid duplication$COL_RESET" sleep 3 rm -fr /tmp/squid.conf rm -fr /tmp/storeurl.txt rm -fr /tmp/ rm -fr /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942* # Checking IF $URL is accessible m if YES then continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ JZ .. . .]] echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Checking if $URL is accessible in order to proceed further. . .!! $COL_RESET" cd /tmp wget -q $URL/squid.conf { if [ ! -f /tmp/squid.conf ]; then echo echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: Unable to contact $URL, or possibly internet is not working or your IP is in black list at destination server !! $COL_RESET" echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: Please check manual if $URL is accessible or not or if it have required files, JZ !! $COL_RESET" exit 0 fi } rm -fr /tmp/squid.conf sleep 6 # Moving further . . . clear echo -e "$COL_GREEN You are logged in with root ID, Ok to proceed further . . .!! $COL_RESET" echo ################################################################## [zaib] echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Updating Ubuntu first . . . !! $COL_RESET" apt-get update echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Installing required components . . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 apt-get install -y gcc build-essential libstdc++6 unzip bzip2 sharutils ccze libzip-dev automake1.9 libfile-readbackwards-perl dnsmasq # Clearing OLD data files . . . { if [ -f $SQUID_DIR/squid.conf ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_RED Previous SQUID configuration file found in $SQUID_DIR ! renaming it for backup purpose . . . $COL_RESET" mv $SQUID_DIR/squid.conf $SQUID_DIR/squid.conf.old else echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN No Previous Squid configuration have been found in $SQUID_DIR. Proceeding further $COL_RESET" fi } # Checking SQUID status if its already running - check by PID if [ "$pid" == "" ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN No SQUID instance found in memory , so it seems we are good to GO !!! $COL_RESET" else echo echo -e "$COL_RED SQUID is already running, probably you have some previous copy of SQUID installation, Better to stop and remove all previous squid installation !! $COL_RESET" echo echo -e "$COL_RED KILLING PREVIOUS SQUID INSTANCE by killall -9 squid command !! $COL_RESET" killall -9 squid sleep 3 fi # Downloading Squid source package [zaib] echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Downloading SQUID source package in /tmp folder. . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 # Checking if /tmp folder is previously present or not . . . { if [ ! -d "/tmp" ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_RED /tmp folder not found, Creating it so all downloads will be placed here . . . $COL_RESET" mkdir /tmp else echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN /tmp folder is already present , so no need to create it, Proceeding further . . . $COL_RESET" fi } cd /tmp # Checking IF LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz installation file have been ALREADY downloaded in /tmp to avoid duplication! [[ JZ .. . .]] { if [ -f /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz ]; then rm -fr /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz fi } wget -c # Checking IF LUSCA_HEAD-r14942 installation file have been downloaded properly. if YEs continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ JZ .. . .]] { if [ ! -f /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: SQUID source code package File could not be download or not found in /tmp/ !! $COL_RESET" exit 0 fi } echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Extracting Squid from tar archive. . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 tar zxvf LUSCA_HEAD-r14942.tar.gz cd LUSCA_HEAD-r14942/ mkdir /etc/squid echo -e "$COL_GREEN Executing $squidlabel Compiler [jz] . . . !! $COL_RESET" echo cd /tmp/LUSCA_HEAD-r14942 ./configure --prefix=/usr --exec_prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/sbin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid --sysconfdir=/etc/squid --localstatedir=/var/spool/squid --datadir=/usr/share/squid --enable-async-io=24 --with-aufs-threads=24 --with-pthreads --enable-storeio=aufs --enable-linux-netfilter --enable-arp-acl --enable-epoll --enable-removal-policies=heap --with-aio --with-dl --enable-snmp --enable-delay-pools --enable-htcp --enable-cache-digests --disable-unlinkd --enable-large-cache-files --with-large-files --enable-err-languages=English --enable-default-err-language=English --enable-referer-log --with-maxfd=65536 echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Executing MAKE and MAKE INSTALL commands . . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 make make install echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating SQUID LOGS folder and assiging permissions . . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 # Checking if log folder is previously present or not . . . { if [ -d "/var/log/squid" ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN LOGS folder found. No need to create, proceeding Further . . . $COL_RESET" else echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating LOG Folder in /var/log/squid and setting permissions accordingly (to user proxy) $COL_RESET" mkdir /var/log/squid fi } chown proxy:proxy /var/log/squid ## ** DOWNLOAD SQUID.CONF echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Downloading SQUID.CONF file from $URL and copy it to $SQUID_DIR. . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 # Checking IF SQUID.CONF File have been ALREADY downloaded in /tmp to avoid duplication! [[ JZ .. . .]] { if [ -f /tmp/squid.conf ]; then rm -fr /tmp/squid.conf fi } cd /tmp wget $URL/squid.conf # Checking IF SQUID.CONF file have been downloaded. if YEs continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ JZ .. . .]] { if [ ! -f /tmp/squid.conf ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: SQUID.CONF File could not be download or not found in /tmp/ !! $COL_RESET" exit 0 fi } cp -fr squid.conf $SQUID_DIR ## ** DOWNLOAD SQUID.CONF echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Downloading STOREURL.PL file from $URL and copy it to $SQUID_DIR. . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 cd /tmp { if [ -f /tmp/storeurl.txt ]; then rm -fr /tmp/storeurl.txt fi } wget $URL/storeurl.txt { if [ -f /tmp/ ]; then rm -fr /tmp/ fi } mv storeurl.txt # Checking IF STOREURL.PL file have been downloaded. if YEs continue further , otherwise EXIT the script with ERROR ! [[ JZ .. . .]] { if [ ! -f /tmp/ ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: STOREURL.PL File could not be download or not found in /tmp/ !! $COL_RESET" exit 0 fi } cp -fr $SQUID_DIR echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Setting EXECUTE permission for . . . !! $COL_RESET" chmod +x $SQUID_DIR/ # Creating CACHE folders echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating CACHE directory in $CACHE_DIR , in this example,I used 5GB for cache for test ,Adjust it accordingly . . . !! $COL_RESET" sleep 3 # Checking if /cache-1 folder exist . . . { if [ ! -d "$CACHE_DIR" ]; then echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Creating cache folder in $CACHE_DIR , Default size is 5GB, you should set it accordingly to your requirements . . . $COL_RESET" mkdir $CACHE_DIR chown proxy:proxy $CACHE_DIR chmod 777 -R $CACHE_DIR squid -z else echo echo -e "$COL_RED $CACHE_DIR folder already exists , Clearing it before proceeding. . . $COL_RESET" rm -fr $CACHE_DIR/* chown proxy:proxy $CACHE_DIR echo -e "$COL_GREEN $CACHE_DIR Initializing Cache Directories as per the config . . . $COL_RESET" echo squid -z chmod 777 -R $CACHE_DIR fi } echo echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Adding squid in /etc/rc.local for auto startup . . . !! $COL_RESET" sed -i '/exit/d' /etc/rc.local sed -i '/[/usr/sbin/squid]/d' /etc/rc.local echo /usr/sbin/squid >> /etc/rc.local echo exit 0 >> /etc/rc.local echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Starting SQUID (and adding 10 seconds Pause for proper initialization). . . !! $COL_RESET" squid sleep 5 # Checking SQUID status via PID [zaib] #if [ "$pid" == "" ]; then #echo #echo -e "$COL_RED ERROR: UNABLE to start SQUID, try to run with -d1N syntax and see where its showing error !! $COL_RESET" #else ps aux |grep squid echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN $squidlabel is Running OK with PID number "$pid", no further action required, EXITING . . .$COL_RESET" echo echo To view squid web access activity log, use command echo -e "$COL_GREEN tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log $COL_RESET" echo OR echo -e "$COL_GREEN tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log |ccze $COL_RESET" echo echo -e "$COL_GREEN Regard's / Syed Jahanzaib . . . !! $COL_RESET" echo [/wpspoiler] jika mengalami kendala dalam copas code tersebut, download filenya di link ini
setelah selesai jalankan perintah dibawah #/temp/ tunggulah sampai prosesnya selesai, setelah selesai #squid -d1n #ps aux |grep squid ##hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah
Jika hasilnya sudah seperti diatas, maka sobat sudah berhasil membuat sebuah server proxy, langkah berikutnya sobat melakukan setting router untuk mengarahkan LAN ke proxy tersebut.
Demikian tutorial Cara Konfigurasi Squid Lusca on Ubuntu semoga bermanfaat, jika ada pertanyaan silahkan tinggalkan pesan di kolom komentar.
nambah ilmu nih thanks…….